Since 2008, East End Child Care Center has governed and supported Milestones in providing top-notch childcare.

The East End Child Care Center (EECCC) provides services for children ages newborn to pre-kindergarten. EECCC is renowned for superior quality educational and social programming.

We ensure Milestones CDC Inc. (Milestones) employs dedicated professionals who are committed to the mission and values of our organization. They also offer fair and competitive wages and benefits, as well as allowing employees to participate in decisions that affect their work and strategic direction of the EECCC.

EECCC is known throughout the region for providing the highest quality of care and education to children. EECCC is also recognized as a leader of child care services through our continued innovative and contemporary approach to the changing needs of our customers.

The individuals at Milestones Inc and EECCC are an extension of our family. They provide our son with the building blocks for social, emotional, and academic preparation. He is not only well cared for, but lovingly encouraged to develop new skills on a daily basis.
— Amelia Lawless - Milestones Parent

What We've Achieved

  • With EECCC support, Milestones Inc has worked with Sacramento County Office of Education through their Raising Quality Together Program-moving from a Tier 2 to a Tier 4 program in 2 years.

  • Each year Milestones Inc works to improve quality and safety of care through funding of CPR training and Conference attendance for staff.

  • Milestones Inc rewards professional growth and requires all staff to get education in their field of practice.

  • Milestones Inc have maintained better preschool ratios than required by law, and are the only program in the county that practices full continuity of care through the program (where caregiver moves up with peer group through all classrooms).

  • EECCC has achieved fundraising efforts that have allowed us to invest resources into the children’s experiences with new playground structures, learning materials, and events.